Thursday, April 16, 2009

KL trip - Day 2

less thing to do that day. Woke up around 7 something, and it's almost 830am before we're ready for breakfast. Yeah i helped myself A LOT with the food(and looked at all the food! the variety and tasted so good! which makes our kch hotels' buffet breakfast disgrace.. oh well, kinda). Miss Pricilla said i could have as heavy breakfast as i wanted anyway. After that we went strolling around in MidValley, killing time until it's about 11am(The Pet's Wonderland is sooo cool!!). Then we took a cab to Miss Wong's condominium. It's nice to see her again. She's still so pretty, kind and nice. Ever soo cheerful,optimistic and yeah.. i think she's still WONDERFUL. I believe she'll melt any guy's heart. after chatted a little and have some light refreshment, i went into her music room to play pieces for her,aka masterclass. (how dedicated and enthuthiastic she still is when she teaches..!)

Took a cab again around 130pm to LRT station. We're going to KLCC! Miss Pricilla was looking for some books at Konikuniya (im sure it sounds something like that.a bookstore). I think i walked around the bookstore more than twice(one part is becourse i got lost LOL). I think we're at that bookstore for 2 hours ah. For all of the days, that's the time when Miss Pricilla's line was suddenly soo hot - confirming ordered books and ppl calling her chatting whatever business stuff, taking our times. I bought a book costed me rm 40++ and miss Pricilla got more. Next we proceeded to a CD/VCD/DVD/music store(forgot the name!) and Miss Pricilla bought a CD. After that we randomly going to other stores, just window shopping( i almost bought a 5x5 Rubik's cube for my sis at Jigsaw World BUT it's sooo expensive!! imagine rm 165 for that square thing! and even a jigsaw puzzle GLOBE, or the 3D puzzle APPLE. all RM100/200++. My goodness. SOoo expensive leh. T.T)

And it's time to go back to hotel. Oh the tedious transportations! We needed to have train transit u know, LRT to Commuter . and soo unluckily that it's around 530pm, soo look at that packed train!! The ppl who jumpped queue,the ppl who ngeh ngeh squeeze into the train although it's soo obvious that it's overload liao,and the ppl who rushed into the train without waiting for the ppl in it to get out first. Make the flow worse. Squeeze until like what. I dislike the commuter. waited for 30mins for it. and hot,stuffy air. and I have to squeeze through walls of guys to get out of it. They went ''oh!'' ''ah..'' *pushed!**squeeze!*. @#$%& D: Geramnya.

Went to have dinner at Estique Kitchen(or something like that) that night, in MidValley of course. Then continue window shop. having very hard time to think what to buy. Jusco has cheap clothes! but dint buy anything from there LOL. and WOW. The CROCS store. i never know a pair of rubber shoes/slippers/sandals can cost up to Rm 300!(rounded up figure)

Whole day of walking made me tired. I slept quite early that night. around 10pm? ^^''

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